Monday, August 25, 2008

Site Seeing

Today Jeff and Kristen are looking forward to spending the morning with their children at the care center. In the afternoon they will get to do some site seeing and have the opportunity to visit the adoption agency's Aids orphanage and other facilities they run.

Please continue to pray for Tigist and Mihiretu during this transition. Tonight is the last night they will spend in the care center.

1 comment:

Pam said...

WOW!!! I am SO THANKFUL to read of so many wonderful moments. Right down to dimples, songs and prayers. It is so clear that your family is meant to be. I can't wait to meet Tigist and Mihiretu. What sweet souls they are. I keep fluxuating from tears to goosebumps with every update. I'll be praying for strength, patience, grace, fun, wisdom, and bonding for you all.